We develop new schemes for diagnostics of ultrashort laser pulses. In Ref. [1], we reported a new approach for FROG reconstruction based on ptychography (a scanning coherent diffraction imaging technique). We demonstrate, numerically and experimentally, that ptychographic reconstruction works well with very partial spectrograms, e.g., spectrograms with a reduced number of measured delays and spectrograms that have been substantially spectrally filtered. You may download freely our ptychographic FROG.
In Ref. [2], we proposed and demonstrated, numerically and experimentally, multiplexed FROG in which several pulses of a pulse–burst are retrieved simultaneously from a single measured trace, which corresponds to the incoherent sum of the FROG traces of the individual pulses. Implementing multiplexed FROG in GRENOUILLE (single-shot FROG) can enable characterization of pulses in non-repetitive pulse-bursts that are currently not measurable. In Ref. [3], we proposed and demonstrated, numerically and experimentally, the first deep neural network technique to reconstruct ultrashort optical pulses.

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- T. Zahavy, A. Dikopoltsev, D. Moss, G. Ilan Haham, O. Cohen, S. Mannor and M. Segev, Deep learning reconstruction of ultrashort pulses, Optica, 5, 666 (2018)
- R. Ziv, A. Dikopoltsev, T. Zahavy, I. Rubinstein, P. Sidorenko, O. Cohen and M. Segev, Deep learning reconstruction of ultrashort pulses from 2D spatial intensity patterns recorded by an all-in-line system in a single-shot, Opt. Express, 28, 7528 (2020)
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