Time-resolved imaging by multiplexed ptychography (TIMP)

Ultrahigh-speed imaging is essential for many applications in science, engineering and clinical diagnostics. In particular, it is critical for observing ultrafast non-repetitive events, for which the pump-probe technique is inapplicable. We develop a conceptually new approach for ultrahigh-speed imaging, which we term Time-Resolved by Multiplexed Ptychography (TIMP) [1]. In TIMP, time-resolved complex-valued multiple frames of the object are recovered algorithmically from the data measured in a single CCD exposure of a ptychographic imaging system. This ‘magic’ is possible due to: i) the inherent large redundancy in ptychographic data and ii) our recent proposition and experimental demonstration of single-shot ptychography [2].


  1. P. Sidorenko and O. Cohen, Single-shot ptychography, Optica, 3, 9 (2016)
  2. P. Sidorenko, O. Lahav and O. Cohen, Ptychographic ultrahigh-speed imaging, Optics Express, 25, 10997 (2017)
  3. B. K. Chen, P. Sidorenko, O. Lahav, O. Peleg and O. Cohen, Multiplexed single-shot ptychography, Optics letters, 43, 5379 (2018)
  4. O. Wengrowicz, O. Peleg, B. Loevsky, B.K. Chen, G.Ilan Haham, S. Sainadh Undurti and O. Cohen, Experimental Time-Resolved Imaging by Multiplexed Ptychography, Optics Express, 27, 24568 (2019)
  5. G. Ilan Haham, O. Peleg, P. Sidorenko, and O. Cohen, High-resolution (diffraction-limited) single-shot multiplexed coded-aperture ptychographyJ. Opt., 22, 075608 (2020)
  6. O. Wengrowicz, O. Peleg, T. Zahavy, B. Loevsky, and O. Cohen, Deep neural networks in single-shot ptychographyOpt. Express 28, 17511 (2020)
  7. G. Ilan Haham, A. Levin, P. Sidorenko, G. Lerner and O. Cohen, V-FROG – Single-scan vectorial FROG, J. Phys. Photonics, 3, 034017 (2021)
  8. Ariel Veler, Michael Birk, Caleb Dobias, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Pavel Sidorenko and Oren Cohen, Spatial Characterization of Multiple Pulses, with Different Spatial Profiles, from a Single Camera Snapshot, IEEE Photonics Journal, 16, 6900205, (2024)
  9. Omri Wengrowicz, Alex Bronstein and Oren Cohen, Unsupervised physics-informed deep learning-based reconstruction for time-resolved imaging by multiplexed ptychography, Optics Express, 32, 8791 (2024)
  10. Ariel Veler, Michael Birk, Caleb Dobias, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Pavel Sidorenko and Oren Cohen, Single-Shot Ptychographic Imaging of Non-Repetitive Ultrafast Events, Optics Letters, 49 178 (2024)
  11. O. Wengrowicz, O. Peleg, B. Loevsky, and O. Cohen, Synthetic aperture imaging by distributed arrays of space telescopes
  12. Abraham Levitan, Klaus Wakonig, Zirui Gao, Adam Kubec, Bing Kuan Chen, Oren  Cohen and Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Single-shot X-ray ptychography as a structured illumination method, Optics Letters 50, 443 (2025)

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